Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment

Large eddy simulation of a cloud street at summer trade wind conditions over Barbados. Data initialization from radiosonde profile at 2013-06-22 00:30 UTC.
This movie covers a time span between 00:00 and 24:00 local time.

- 75 km × 75 km × 6 km domain part is shown
- 0.1 g/kg cloud water mixing ratio isosurfaces (white)
- 0.1 g/kg rain water mixing ratio isosurfaces (blue)
- temperature field at lowest model layer
- relative humidity field at western lateral boundary
- vertical extent of the simulation domain is stretched by a factor of 5 for a better view

Domain structure
- 110 km × 110 km × 6 km with 256 × 256 × 38 grid points
- vertical levels: Δz = 50 m, 100 m, 250 m up to z = 500 m, 1500 m, 4000 m, respectively

BOMEX Frame 402
0016: sx=128;
0017: sy=128; 
0018: sz=64; 
0020: dx=50.0;
0021: dy=50.0;
0022: dz=50.0;
0024: dt=1.;
0025: ns=24;   
0002:const int   sx=128;
0003:const int   sy=128;
0004:const int   sz=64;
0005:const float dx=50.;
0006:const float dy=50.;
0007:const float dz=50.;
0008:const int   nsteps=24; 
0009:const float dt=1./float(nsteps);
0010:const float theta0=2468.0;
0012:const float p0=1.0e5;
0013:const float Cpd=1004.;
0014:const float Cpv=1885.;
0015:const float Cpl=4186.;
0016:const float Rd=287.0;
0017:const float Rv=461.0;
0018:const float rho0=1.698;